Monday, February 16, 2009

peanut butter problems

I like a good peanut butter sandwich, me. But lately I've become a bit frustrated with the peanut butter that's available in New Zealand. In the last couple of years, just about all of the pb manufacturers have moved their production to China. It may seem a little reactionary, but politically, ethically, and and from a health point of view, I'm just not that happy buying everything I eat and wear from China. The recent San Lu baby formula scandal has cemented many people's fears (rightly or wrongly) about the ethics of Chinese business, especially when it comes to food products. To me there seems to be a cavalier "Let's see what we can get away with regardless of the effects," attitude. Besides, I try to buy New Zealand-made wherever I can.

But I digress.

This move to China has been accompanied by a change in flavour in the peanut butter. The insidious addition of sugar to some brands notwithstanding, it doesn't taste as good as it used to. It just tastes wrong - like cheap, poor quality peanuts. I was delighted when, in response to public pressure, Sanitarium announced that they would sell Australian-made peanut butter here. But I needn't have got my hopes up - the flavour is just as poor as the awful Chinese stuff. So I'm left with the choice of buying New Zealand-made organic pb like Ceres (delicious actually, but a lot more expensive) or making my own. I think I'll try making my own - now where can I find decent peanuts...

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